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St. George's | A Traditional Anglican Church

Anglican Parish of St. George, Quincy, MA Anglican Parish of St. George

The Anglican Parish of St. George
Wollaston, MA 02170

A Mission of All Saints' Anglican Church of Attleboro, MA
The Rev. Lance Giuffrida, Rector
Member of the Anglican Province of Rwanda
The Most Rev'd Emmanuel Musaba Kolini
Archbishop of Rwanda & Bishop of Kigali

Click for Quincy, Massachusetts Forecast

Anglican Parish of St. George
Wollaston (Quincy)
MA 02170

The next services are scheduled for September 13, 2009
at 193 Beach Street, Wollaston (Quincy) MA
for more information on service times or
any other question regarding St. George's
contact Dr. Phil McLaren at
617-472-1032 and please leave a message.

This is the Season of Pentecost.
The liturgical color is green.

Our background music is the hymn
Stand up, stand up for Jesus

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:11-12

Services have ended for the Summer, but will resume in September
on the second and fourth Sundays at 10:00 AM or as announced.
We are located in the Wollaston section of Quincy, MA.
Contact us below by email for further information.

Coming this Fall on Wednesdays, Bible Study - Place & Time TBD.

St. George's is a member of the Anglican Mission in America (AMIA)

If you have not visited the AMIA or Anglican Communion websites
and would like to do so, please use the links below (click on the logos.)
American Anglican Council Anglican Mission in America Anglican Communion

The Anglican Mission in the Americas is a bold missionary strategy
born seven years ago in response to a crisis of faith and leadership in North America.
We are driven by a compelling vision of reaching the 150 million individuals
in the U.S. and Canada who have yet to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
by building communities of faith and transforming lives.

All newcomers and seekers from Quincy and the South Shore are invited to
join us for worship and fellowship on Sundays. We hope to update this page often,
changing the background colors and sound to reflect the liturgical seasons.

We are located in the Wollaston neighborhood of historic Quincy,
Massachusetts - the City of Presidents!! We are accessible by public transportation.
Email us (below) for more information. If you are new to the area and
would like more information on Quincy please use the links at the left.

This Page Created February 15, 2009.

August 30, 2009

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stgeorgeanglican @ hotmail dot com.
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Anglican News

Constitution Passes:
The Anglican Church in North America is Constituted.

June 22, 2009

“We have done the work dear brothers and sisters, the Anglican Church
in North America has been constituted,” said Archbishop Robert Duncan on the ratification of the
Constitution of the Anglican Church in North America at 4:23 pm Central Time in Bedford, Texas.

Breaking News - June 24, 2009

ACNA'09: Great Reformation of Christian Church Underway,
Says Bishop Duncan: God will sort out issue of women's ordination

By David W. Virtue in Bedford VirtueOnline 6/22/2009

BEDFORD, TX: The Bishop of Pittsburgh and archbishop-elect of the Anglican Church of North America, The Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan said that a great Reformation of the Christian Church is underway and North American Anglicans are in the midst of it.

He told an overflow audience of some 800 Anglicans in St. Vincent's Cathedral that while much of mainline Protestantism is finding itself adrift from its moorings by refusing submission to the Word of God, there is an ever-growing stream of North American Protestantism that has re-embraced Scripture's authority.

Duncan said the new North American Anglican province is the vanguard of a renewed orthodoxy.

According to Bishop Duncan, the face of Christianity in North America is changing with both Protestant and Pentecostal brothers and sisters being drawn into "the Great Tradition" that classic Anglicans know so well.

"Our God is up to something very big, both with us and with others. The Father truly is drawing His children together again in a surprising and sovereign move of the Holy Spirit. He is again Re-forming His Church."

Duncan said there was is a "keen interest" among Catholic and Orthodox brothers and sisters about what was is happening here in Bedford. "The whole of the Christian Church senses re-alignment. God is bringing about a confluence of Evangelical, Catholic and Pentecostal. We are daring to recover what Anglicanism at its best has always been about."

Duncan said theThe whole world is looking at Bedford stated Duncan. "Are we ready? Are we willing?"

The archbishop-designate said that Satan, whom he called calls "the enemy", had to be, must be resisted and that the re-gathering of a faithful Anglican church in North American is among the enemy's greatest concerns. "We should not be surprised if he tries to break in here. He will attempt to lure us back to old ways and old hurts and old fights."

Duncan reflected on the thorny issue of women's ordination saying that "for those who believe the ordination of women to be a grave error, and for those who believe it scripturally justifiable - reflecting Global Anglicanism - that we should be in mission together until God sorts us out. It is not perfect, but it is enough."

Drawing on the history of the movement that has culminated in the formation of the new province, Duncan recalled the late '90s at Anglican Congresses among the Anglican Diaspora...the heady days in the American Anglican Council, the First Promise Movement within the Episcopal Church, Plano 2003 and Hope and a Future 2005 and the coming together of the US and Canada and the missionary interventions of Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and the Southern Cone who have helped form a "recognizably Anglican Province here."

Touching obliquely on The Episcopal Church, Duncan stated that many have sacrificed a great deal to follow Jesus to this place. "Many of us have lost properties, sacred treasures, incomes, pensions, standing and friends, but few had suffered to the point of shedding their blood (though some global émigrés had)."

Bishop Duncan called for a return to "muscular Christianity" that once reigned in the US and Canada. "No cross, no crown. No pain, no gain."

"I hear it over and over, there is no one here who would go back."

Ft. Worth Bishop Jack Leo Iker called the occasion both "historic and momentous" reminding delegates in the cathedral that this was the Diocese of Ft. Worth established in 1982 and that they were maintaining the faith and order of the Catholic Church.

Copyright © 2008-2009,
Anglican Church of St. George, Quincy, MA